Jack O’Lantern’s Challenge
A pondering one day: what if you
were to pursue a lifestyle of supernaturality or, for lack of a better word,
ethical perfection. Your inherent vital powers that constitute your nature relish
their activity. Not searching with them for a peak experience or two but an enduring
summit. To enjoin yourself to strive for and live out of an unbounded
experience of humane fulfillment. Is this entire enterprise and eventual state
of being not the most rational choice one can embark upon? Too farfetched?
Consider that
for some time now you have been going about your business. At times it cost
you. You slipped often. So? Let your peccadillos and transgressions become fading
memories. Your daily orientation is no longer just to get by but an enduring
affirmation of life. You renounce mediocrity. You are savvy about people and
perceptive about authorities. You love others discreetly. You can assist
society without leaving a trace. If someone helps you, you never forget them. You
always defend what you love. Some people notice. As for others, it doesn’t
matter. You take pride in your work. You are unafraid of being misunderstood.
Your pleasant, unobtrusive demeanor searches for neither recognition nor fans.
Animals do not fear you. Your only sadness recurs when others refuse to see the
beauty and goodness of existence and act upon those insights. You compose yourself a noble person. Nature gladly
shares her bounty, for you’ve become a dangerous rara avis, peering upon a landscape of
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